Sonic Sidewalks
"Every real sound you hear in the world is unique. It only happens once".
What is Sonic Sidewalks?
Sonic Sidewalks is a Softday Mobile Philharmonic project in association with Spirit Store and ev + a 2010.
Sonic Sidewalks from Mikael Fernström on Vimeo.
It is a unique approach for situated soundscapes, utilising low-cost equipment and open source tools.
It is also a sonic walk and introduction to the unique soundscapes of Limerick City, designed and facilitated by Softday.
Finally, it provided an opportunity to listen and record individual perspectives and specific soundscapes in the city.
What is the Softday Mobile Philharmonic?
Members of the public that participated in a short workshop organised by Softday.
Download the soundtrack of the performance
Click here to download >>> Sonic Sidewalks <<<